Sunday, March 3, 2019

Cuba's Ambassador responds to this CBC News article, 
"Canada at odds with Cuban 'ally' over Maduro's fate."
Ottawa, March 3, 2019

To the Editor of CBC News
I reject categorically and in the strongest terms the 
tendentious and manipulative article 
"Canada at odds with Cuba 'ally' over Maduro's fate", 
written by journalist Evan Dyer 
and published today, Sunday, March 3, 2019, by CBC News.
Good journalism does not speculate, it informs objectively.
The assertion that thousands of Cubans would allegedly 
be inserted into the structures of the armed and security 
forces of Venezuela, holding the government of (legitimate) 
President Nicolás Maduro, is a scandalous slander. I demand 
that CBC News present a proof, which evidently 
it does not have, since it does not appear in the whole article.
What Cuba has been offering Venezuela for many years is 
a modest cooperation, in which slightly more than 
20,000 Cuban collaborators participate, 94% of them 
health workers, others in education, as they do in 83 
countries around the world.
It is unfortunate that CBC News plays into the hands of 
the government of the United States,  whose President 
happened to accuse Cuba a few days ago of maintaining 
a “private army” in Venezuela, a statement that is vile.
It is regrettable that CBC News does not denounce the 
US government's military aggression plans against 
the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the fact that
 it openly declares that its ultimate objective is to 
overthrow the Cuban Revolution. 
What else to expect from a sinister character 
like John Bolton, who in 2002 organized the coup 
against Venezuela, while accusing Cuba of developing
a biological weapons program at a time when the false 
pretext of the presence of WMD in Iraq was fabricated
to launch the war against that country?
The latter lie was quickly denied by the US Intelligence
Community itself.
Let's hope that CBC News, with its biased coverage, 
does not support the aggression of the United States 
against the peoples of our America, and then apologize, 
as so many media organizations had to do after the war 
against Iraq. 
Our peoples will not forget.
As the Cuban Government recently stated, what is 
at stake today in Venezuela is “the sovereignty and 
dignity of Latin America and the Caribbean”…, 
“the survival of the rule of International Law 
and the UN Charter”…
 “and whether the legitimacy of a government emanates 
from the express and sovereign  will of its people, 
or from the recognition of foreign powers”. 
“History will severely judge a new imperialist military 
intervention in the region and the complicity of those 
who might irresponsibly support it”.
Josefina Vidal
Ambassador of Cuba to Canada

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