Saturday, February 4, 2023


The 29th annual Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade is almost here!

Since 1993 hundreds of people of various ages, skills and backgrounds living across Canada have enjoyed an exciting and informative three week stay in Cuba with the Ernesto Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade. The trip provides the opportunity to look at the gains and victories of the Cuban Revolution, as well as to understand the challenges Cuba faces first hand, in particular the impacts of more than 50 years of illegal economic blockade from the United States.


The Che Brigade fulfills two main goals. On the one hand, it is a great way to show support for the struggle of the Cuban people to maintain their independence and on the other hand it is an important opportunity for people from Canada to learn and understand the dynamism of all aspects of life in Cuba.


The Cuban people, committed to maintaining their Revolution and its great gains, receive the Brigade participants, known as Brigadistas, with warmth and friendship. Brigadistas coming from Canada to share friendship help reaffirm to many people in Cuba the value of social change they are carrying in Cuba for their own their country and also for the world.


For more information, questions or to receive updates on the Che Guevara Brigade please contact through email or phone the Che Brigade Coordinator Tyson Strandlund at or at 250-883-7321. You can also follow the Che Brigade on social media.


Please finds us on:

·        Instagram@cdnntwrkoncuba,

·        Facebook at,

·        Twitter@CheVolBrigade.


The Che Guevara Brigade looks forward to travelling to Cuba later in 2023 and we hope you will join us!


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